Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ieva's Polka, by Loitima

Ah, the beautiful things of this world that one is exposed to while listening to public radio! Watch these couple videos set to trans Finish folk music. I like the music in this first video better, but the second video is more fun to watch.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

More Sales, Please

It’s crunch time with work. I’ve sold 89 accounts, and if I sell 100 accounts before I go home, I’ll make a lot more money. The difference between 99 accounts and 100 accounts on the pay scale is $14,000, so I’d better do it. I had 5 sales two weeks ago, 4 sales last week, so realistically, it will take me three weeks to reach 100 accounts. Best case scenario, I’ll sell 8 this week and 8 next week, and I’ll be well over 100, and I can go home in time to move well before school starts.

Today, Ethan asked me to take the side off of his crib, so I did. He took a nap without the side on this afternoon.